March is Women’s History Month and 2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment granting women the right to vote. This month we focus on the role of women as Public Sector leaders and their achievements. Learn about the 19th amendment here or start a book discussion about women who lead in the public sector.
Black History Month and Public Sector Leaders
February is Black History Month and is also President’s Day. This month we look at some great resources from Pubic Sector leaders to honor both. Why not take the time to learn from a new resource this winter or start a book discussion with colleagues? Looking at different perspectives on leadership is a valuable tool for teams.
10 Years After Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize
As the end of the year approaches we are reflecting on the tenth anniversary of President Obama’s receipt of the Nobel Peace prize and his lecture on war and peace. We are also anticipating a year that will be filled with public discussions about national challenges and town halls dedicated to gatherings of citizens to meet with candidates as they prepare to cast their ballots. After watching Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize lecture you may want to read The Leadership Dilemma in a Democratic Society (PDF).
On the Importance of Civil Servants in Democracy
As the country thinks about the role of public sector servants in diplomacy this fall with discussions about trade, war, peace and the environment we want to focus on one civil servant and their take on the importance of civil servants in a democracy. Prudence Bushnell. She often noted:
“Remember there are no healthy democracies in the world where there is not a competent, independent, civil service.”
School-focused Innovation Projects from the Leadership Matters Program
Around the country this month students, teachers and administrators to go back to school and we are featuring the Leadership Matters Innovations Projects focused on making changes in schools as a result of participation in Leadership Matters.
Pawtucket School Leaders lowered student suspension rates at all levels and credited, ‘Leadership Matters RI’ as a key driver for this major success. At one Pawtucket school, the principal reported that there were 231 ‘behavior instances,’ meaning a student was disrespectful of the teacher or disruptive in class. Due to a ‘shift in the alternatives created’ there were only 15 instances reported in the first half of the following school year. In another school there were approximately 3,500 suspensions, and now it is down to 150 in that same school.
The Unholy Structure of Two-Year Election Cycles
The 2020 election is only 14 months away and we are between last years’ midterms and next years’ presidential contest. When you have election fatigue, take a step back and think about the systems behind our electoral process. Public Sector Consortium President Georgie Bishop recently wrote a piece for Thrive on The Unholy Structures of Two-Year Election Cycles asking us:
Celebrating Service and Sustainable Leadership Practices on This Fourth of July
Independence Day is an opportunity to acknowledge and honor the selfless people who have chosen public service as their profession. In today’s world Public Leaders have significant responsibilities in the areas of sustainability and addressing climate change issues for their communities.
For decades Rachel Carson and Al Gore haven been outspoken. courageous, Public Leaders who awakened all of us to the importance of protecting our environment and the need to build sustainable practices into our daily choices.
Continue reading this letter from the Public Sector Consortium →
What Does Public Service Mean in Today’s World? Who Depends on US to Thrive and Survive in U.S. Democracy?
In any democracy citizens are not customers, they are partners with civil servants and elected public leaders and they are also the end-users.
An end user in this example is anyone or anything who depends on you for a service or product to get their work done, achieve their outcomes or thrive. For Public Servants this generally means citizens, colleagues, students, or other living systems which depend on our care and protection. When Dr. Edward Deming, the father of total quality management, met with senior leaders all over the world, he would always say “Do not tell me what is in your job description tell me who depends on you and how you are meeting their needs.”
Public Leaders in Rhode Island Innovate for Safer, Greener Cities and Schools, Serving Citizens Better, and Saving Money Through ‘Leadership Matters RI’
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., June 26, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — ‘Leadership Matters RI’ achieves another year of successful outcomes in Rhode Island. Citizens in Central Falls, Cumberland, Pawtucket and Portsmouth will benefit from the learning and innovative work of their public leaders. The Public Sector Consortium, a national nonprofit dedicated to the “reinvention of public leadership for the public good,” has worked with the cities/towns, legislators and school departments from these municipalities and their projects are once again yielding benefits.
“We have partnered with proactive city and town leaders, public educators, university leaders, and elected legislators across Rhode Island, providing them with the skills to take a system-wide strategic approach to complex challenges,” said Georgie Bishop, President of the Public Sector Consortium. “It is not always easy to shift ingrained ways of doing business but once leaders experience how new skills can help them be more effective, lower their stress levels and achieve better results, it transforms how work gets done,” continued Bishop.
Read the full article to learn about specific outcomes. Read at Yahoo Finance or Read at PR Newswire
Celebrating Public Leadership and Service on This Fourth of July
Independence Day is an opportunity to acknowledge and honor the selfless people who have chosen public service as their profession. So many public servants go the distance at all levels of government and education. The American public depends on public leaders for the services they need to thrive: from education, to public safety to clean drinking water. The men and women who protect and sustain our common resources work daily and quietly despite changes in administration and for this service we celebrate and thank you on this fourth of July.